Christian Stories
Christian stories, Jesus stories, Bible Stories. Stories on, of, from or about parables of Jesus, parables in the Bible, Jesus teachings, Bible teachings or Christian philosophy
Am I Rich Soil?
Dronacharya (Teacher Dron) taught archery equally to all his students, yet Arjun excelled the others in mastering it.
The seed which falls in a rich and ready soil bears the greatest fruits.
God Will Provide!
"God has never forsaken me", he answered, "He provides for the insects, for birds, for animals, for trees. He has always provided for me. And, he will continue to provide."
"God helps those who help themselves", she whispered, "Trust in God, but keep your powder dry."
Here I Am, Lord
Spiritual Story: Here I Am, Lord
‘Is it I Lord?’ Rosh thinks, remembering Daniel Schutte’s Christian hymn, ‘Will you lead me?’
Becoming was dead. Being had begun
Holding God For Ransom
"Bribing God?" Rosh had overheard her, "He laughs at prayers like that!"
"What's wrong with me showing some gratitude if He hears and answers my prayers?" Isha flared.
I Am Jesus’ Sower
“I’m Jesus’ Sower. And I’m tried.”
The effort to speak was too much for him, and he felt tired and weak.
As darkness descended on him again, he heard the nurse ushering his family out of his hospital room. He let the darkness take him again.
Kamaal, Son Of Kabir
"That can't really be true!" exclaimed Josh, "You can't just wake up once you are truly dead."
"Well, Jesus is said to have risen from the dead," said Rosh, "What makes you think he was the only one to do so?"
"Jesus did," remarked Josh, "because he could. He was the son of God."
Kingdom Of Heaven
“Come back to me quickly. You can have your Kingdom of Heaven,” she impulsively spoke her thoughts aloud to him.
He winced and thought a little. Then answered with great sadness, “But I can’t go on that journey anymore. I have nothing left to pay the fare.”
Moses Saves The Israelites
Josh tells Isha how Moses saves the Israelites, using engineers to build a bridge at Red Sea & later destroys the bridge.
Retold funny joke on Biblical story...
Permission To Drive Car
Funny Story: Permission To Drive Car
How to say No to your kids?
Retold Bible joke about a minister’s son who was told to get a haircut to drive his father’s car.
Raising The Standard
Math books and flash cards were spread out all over the room. Little Josh was hard at work.
Isha was pleasantly surprised. She quietly closed his door, and backed away, not wanting to disturb him.
Rebirth Of Eagle
'I am afraid to take this leap of faith. You say that the eagle alone can look into the sun. And the sun rejuvenates its eyes. But I am weak and fearful."
"If I am no eagle, the sun will scorch mine. And smite them down for my arrogance."
Service Takes Its Toll
The Chapel Service takes its toll on little Josh's mind, when he attends one at Hosh's Boarding School one weekend.
Funny story with retold Christian jokes...
Sibling Rivalry
Did you know that one in four spotted hyena pups is killed by their own litter-mate.
Offspring of the black eagle are even more ruthless. The eagle lays two eggs, and the first chick to hatch makes sure its brother or sister never makes it out of the nest alive.
Soren Kierkegaard
“What interested me in Kierkegaard," said Rosh, "was the realization that here was a man 200 years before me, thinking about how belief inherited through custom, tradition or lineage reduced the wonder of faith to a civil duty.”
“Like in post-Upanishadic India, up until recent times, religion here was being practiced by the population out of habit and fear, rather than due to any individual choices made by people about their own lives and destiny.”
Star In The East?
"Pregnant?" Mrs. Maid was incredulous, "She can't be! She has never ever been left alone with a man! Have you Missie?"
"No mother!" the daughter had turned white, "I've never even kissed a man!"
Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamayaa
'What do I care about most?' he thought.
And it came to him suddenly, 'I don't want to lose my father.'
The Adulterous Woman
"Rome ruled that land at the time of Jesus," answered Rosh, "so the Jews lived under Roman law. The Jewish crowd wanted the adulterous woman to be stoned to death according to their law at the time."
"But if they stoned the woman, they would be prosecuted for murder by the Romans. If they didn't stone her to death, they wouldn't be following their own ancient law."
The Breaking Of Bread
"What possible good can there be?" he whispered.
"For me? In the destruction of my life's work? My wealth? My confidence?"
The Good Samaritan
Spiritual Story: The Good Samaritan
Being good is risky. So, what was Jesus’ message in that Christian parable?
What is the purpose of religion in our lives?
The Sound Of Silence
"Subroto asks that if a physical entity like phosphorous can glow on its own, why cannot another physical entity like sound do the same?"
"Is it because our paradigm of properties of sound with respect to our sound apparatus doesn't allow us to experience this?"
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