Animal Stories

Animal story. TaleTown.Org multimedia English short stories & retold tales on or about animals of animal kingdom or fables with talking animals

  • Animal Pets! Or Animal Pests?

    DSC_0344"Animals also have some special dietary needs," Josh agreed, "You can't feed your goldfish chicken bones."

    "The bone is probably bigger than the fish anyway!" Rosh joked, "And you can't get your dog to eat grass clippings".

  • Animals That Stammer

    Cat playing peek a boo"I don't think I could handle any more stammering animals, pet," Isha smiled down at him, "One's enough in this household."

    "And by the way, animals do stammer!"

  • Eggs - On Your Face

    Starter Pots"Very interesting," Isha laughed, "No. I didn't know that."

    "Yea Ma," he said excitedly, "eggs have really clever packaging. A true engineering marvel, that is scientifically cool and technologically functional."

  • Eggs - Scrambled Correctly

    Mmm... salsa on scrambled eggs"Whoopsie," he uttered, as he dropped an egg on the kitchen floor.

    "Get salt and give it a good sprinkle," said Isha, "It'll clean up pretty easy. Use salt to scour non-stick pans too, instead of detergent."

  • Executive Decisions

    What Is the Most Dangerous Dog of All TimeExecutive decisions screw the minions regardless of who is at fault.

    A dictator’s minister avoids being mauled by dogs, but Rosh is dubious of the story message...

  • How Company Policy Begins

    COOKIE...ALONG WITH EENIE, MEENIE, MINEE, AND MOE...DOCKED AND ON DRY LAND...CHERISHED BY GOD...SAVED... BORNE ABOVE THE FLOOD...TRANSPORTED...”TEBHAT NOAH”...CARRIED ON THE ARK OF NOAH...PERHAPS THE GOOD SHIP LOLLIPOP BY ANY OTHER NAME...MORE A VEHICLE OProgrammed monkeys show how company policy begins, and is then used to kill initiative & brick wall employee remuneration.

    Insightful corporate management story

  • How Eggs Fertilize?

    Avian cloaca.jpg "Avian cloaca" by Jared Yelton, original uploader was Redtailed at en.wikipedia -  Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons."Really?" Josh was discovering a whole new world, "Do birds have no dicks at all?"

    "Some birds have them," answered Rosh, "and they use them too. Males of ostriches, cassowaries, kiwi, geese, and some species of swans and ducks, do not use cloaca for reproduction. They have a phallus."

  • How Eggs Form?

    Mr and Mrs"Pa, we could have our own chooks if we didn't eat these eggs," said Josh.

    "Well, actually we can't," said Rosh, "because these eggs we buy from the supermarket are not fertilized. Chooks can hatch only from fertilized eggs."

  • How Eggs Hatch?

    POP"Why are some eggs white, Pa", Josh asked, "while others are colored?"

    "The hen's breed determines the colour of its eggshell," Rosh answered, "Hens with white feathers and ear lobes are said to lay white eggs, while hens with red feathers and ear lobes said to lay brown eggs."

  • How To Boil Eggs?

    Soft boiled egg with asparagus soldiersStory on Cooking Tips: How To Boil Eggs?

    Isha teaches Hosh how to boil eggs for an egg-cellent, nutritious, quick & easy breakfast.


  • Is A Goat A Goat?

    Panchtantra brahmin goat thugThe first of the rogues approached him and asked, “Where are you going with that donkey on your back?”

    “Does this look like a donkey to you?” retorted the Brahmin mockingly, “I’ve been gifted a goat for my services.”

  • It Pays To Check

    Etsijä"There you are," said the vet sadly, as his dog trotted out of the room. "It is completely dead and no longer with us."

    "Is that all you're going to do?" the lady was beginning to get pissed off with him.

  • It's A Dog's Life

    A dog's lifeIt's a dog's life when you continue to exceed everyone’s expectations except your boss's.

    A dog gets abused and a fail review, despite spectacular performance...

  • Jesus Is Watching You

    rottweiler eyeJesus is watching you. Moses knew that.

    Hosh says that even the trees, animals and birds know that. Did you?

    Funny parenting story with retold joke...

  • Life Of Pi

    Life of Pi"I have left so much behind", Pi said, "In the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go."

    "But what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye."

  • Mind Your Language

    Colorful parrotRosh’s face darkened at this barrage of profanity spewing out of his child’s mouth. Not caring to investigate the incident any further and uncaring about who was at fault, his temper flared.

    “Shut your mouth”, he rebuked viciously, “It is like a sewer, with only dirt flowing through.”

  • Monkey Business

    UntitledOnce upon a time in a village, a man appeared who announced to the villagers that he wanted to buy monkeys.

    He offered to pay a silver coin for each monkey.

  • Monkeys, Goats And Markets

    Monkeys Worship the GoatsBusiness Story: Monkeys, Goats And Markets

    Minimize risk, whether you’re buying good, bad or overpriced shares.

    Fable on money management & stock buying skills

  • Mouse Marries A Lioness

    LionnessInsightful story: Mouse Marries A Lioness

    Interesting Abstemius sequel to Aesop’s Lion and Mouse fable.

    Marriage & alliances between unequal parties don’t last.

  • Mule In The Well

    Lonely donkey“When you stop crying and start doing, the world notices it too. Even enemies begin to respect you. Then help arrives. Your luck turns.”

    “When the mule had stopped braying, the villagers noticed the sudden silence. One peeked in to see if the donkey was dead.”

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