Spiritual Stories
Spiritual Story: Jai Jagdish Hare
Rosh explains the lyrics of Jai Jagdish Hare, famous song from legendary film Anand Math.
How should one live their life today? With faith, and fearless action!
Insightful story: Repaying Parental Debt
Can it never be repaid?
How is this ancestral debt, which a common man can’t repay even by true service of the parents?
"I know what music is. It is the rhythm in everything alive. Whether it flows through a didgeridoo or a flute, sounds from dead hollows in wood can make a moribund heart come alive."
"Knowing comes from the head. But knowing about music can't create music. Music comes from the heart. When it is felt by the heart. Feeling is enough."
"What possible good can there be?" he whispered.
"For me? In the destruction of my life's work? My wealth? My confidence?"
Dronacharya (Teacher Dron) taught archery equally to all his students, yet Arjun excelled the others in mastering it.
The seed which falls in a rich and ready soil bears the greatest fruits.
"Rome ruled that land at the time of Jesus," answered Rosh, "so the Jews lived under Roman law. The Jewish crowd wanted the adulterous woman to be stoned to death according to their law at the time."
"But if they stoned the woman, they would be prosecuted for murder by the Romans. If they didn't stone her to death, they wouldn't be following their own ancient law."
"And have you tamed your mind yet, my knowledgable husband?" Isha teased, clearing the dinner table.
He smiled and replied, "No my dear, not yet. I try often, but I always fail."
“Midas was stupid”, Josh voiced his opinion, “why didn’t he just wear gloves? That would have been much safer."
"He could have had the gold and touched things without turning them into gold.”
There was pin drop silence for a moment. Then Hosh spoke up.
"I want Happiness," a man had once asked Buddha.
Watching Nainital from China Peak, Rosh remembers Buddha, and receives secrets of peace and happiness.
Nothing changes in the world around you, yet your world changes completely.
The eye sees. The eye of the beholder is the key.