coffeeFunny Story: Who will make Coffee?


Bible is invoked to settle a domestic row between a couple over who should brew the coffee daily.


Retold Bible joke

Previous TaleTown Story: Complementary Relationships

The domestic scene was becoming regular between Rosh and Isha.

Today's topic was who should brew the coffee every morning.

"You should do it," she reasoned, "because you get up first. Then we don't have to wait so long to get our coffees."

"You are in charge of cooking around here," he retorted. "You should do it, because that is your job. I will just have to wait for my coffee."

"No, you should do it," she insisted. "That way you can learn to do at least some basic cooking. Then when I can't do it sometime, I can at least bank on you."

"Oh, you bank on me already," he argued. "Our arrangement was that you look after what's needed inside the home, and I take care of what needs to be done outside. Coffee making is inside."

"I do look after the inside," she contended. "Do I not do everything else? Coffee is different. It's too early in the morning and I can't get up that early. You are the early bird in our home."

"That's your problem, not mine," he debated. "Do I ever come to you and say: Here's the money for rent, but you go get the money for power, because that's different? Your duties are yours, mine are mine. Once we agreed, there is no moving the goalposts."

"Moving the goal posts? What goal posts?" Isha countered. "It is an age old tradition. It even says so in the Bible, that the man brews the coffee."

"What?" Rosh was dumbfounded. "I can't believe that! Show me!"

So, she fetched the Bible, and opened the New Testament. And page after page, it said indeed ... "Hebrews".

Next TaleTown Story: Unsoiled By Muddy Paths

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